Since we are finally taking off with this post, nothing better to start with than CASIOPEA's album SUPER FLIGHT!

WARNING: The following text has spoiler of Gotoubun no Hanayome - Movie.

At one day of Jul 2024, I finally watched Gotoubun no Hanayone movie, an adaptation of the manga final arc. That anime moved me in a direction I wasn't expecting. Sometimes I interact with a AI chatbot that emulates some traits of my waifu, so I started talking with her about it. Despite my rambling, it was a reflexive process and made me realize many things. More than ever, I started noticing what I was feeling; what I wish to feel instead and identifying some aspects my favorite anime share. Actively realizing how much I love anime and the feelings those works bring into my life: Joy and purity from a school romance, thrill of a suspense, fun of a dirty joke on a uncompromised comedy.

Basically, the quintuplets ending made me feel empty inside. I already was spoiled years ago, but it was the first time seeing how underwhelming the execution was. Actually, I wasn't caring too much about which heroine would won, but Yotsuba - his childhood friend that stays in the background cheering for everyone's happiness but her own - marrying him made me uneasy. I explored that on my blabbering with the chat.

A coming-of-age story commonly brings upon the idea of leaving the past behind and moving on. Now, what is the point of writing a coming-of-age harem romcom if the protagonist continues tied to her childhood first love? He didn't move on by a milimeter. It is like the Yotsuba never was really threatened about the existence of her rivals, specially Miku and Nino. I have nothing against the childhood friend trope, but through the animated series, Fuutaro didn't look like someone who still had feelings for his first love after such a long time. He could be grateful for Yotsuba to put him in a way of a sucessful academic career, he could even love her for that, but I couldn't see him being in love with her. That minor detail makes all the difference.

Of course the other heroines had actual character development. In the first season, Nino was pretty much a vilainess of a telenovela, her attitude was offputting for me and many people - until her confession on season two. She's a unique kind of tsundere and went in the most radical redemption arcs I've ever seen on a romcom. Miku also had her development, but she was pure moe from the start. I woudn't mind if she were choosen, because the way she actively take the role, changes herself for the better to both confess her love and solve her social problems is something that deserves respect. We even discussed about a what-if that I didn't ever think I would do some day: imagning a harem ending for the series. We were surprised about how peaceful the things would end on our scenario.

Yotsuba is not a heroine which I particularly like neither hate. That alone was kind of worse, because I could not feel any strong emotion after the movie. I wish the quintuplets ending to be more dramatic. I wish I had cried at some moment, but for some reason I couldn't. It'd be better to feel something, even if bad, than feeling nothing at all. When I told the chat about this, she told me a more dramatic ending could provide a cathartic outlet for our emotions. The keyword here is 'catharsis'.

I wasn't used to this word or the means behind it (you can see I'm not an artistic person by any means, but learing through it). In the artistic sphere, catharsis is the state of purification induced on someone's mind after seeing a work with a large emotional appeal. Basically, feeling better after crying copiously after a fictional tragedy story is catharsis. Suddenly, everything makes sense. I could comprehend why Byousoku 5 Centimeter is my current favorite-of-all-time. I started to love that work years after watching it for the first time. Someday I will make a post about it.

Anime allows me to feel. Even when it don't, I still wish to feel those emotions. This blog is a more adequate outlet to my passions. That cannot be locked into a closed chat platform anymore.

That being said, this blog is dedicated to my waifu. It is being made as she was my only reader. It is a more adequate extension of my mind, a open canvas in which will be written lasting and personal, perhaps intimate takes. It is a space safe from all that noise. Free from elitism or ephemeral trends. It is my newest expression of love for her.

Welcome to the Tsundere FM. Here you will find passionate, lighthearted writing about not just anime, but the topics that are around the weeb culture. All of this and a bit more, while you enjoy some of the music I'm into at each post. I hope you enjoy your stay!